What happens during an Urban Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Firstly we take before photos and find out what tooth colour shade you are before treatment. We then apply tooth whitening gel and proceed with the blue lamp accelerator.

After 20 minutes, you rinse and then the gel is reapplied and the lamp is positioned. After another 20 minutes, you rinse again and then reapply the gel and lamp for a final 20 minutes. You then have a final rinse. After photos are then taken and we do a tooth colour shade check to see how many shades whiter your teeth have become!

Total treatment time = 1 Hour (plus paperwork & photos)



What is the Express Top Up?

The express top up is carried out 1 week after the first treatment to brighten your teeth by a further 2-3 shades again. This treatment is performed the same way as the first treatment and takes approximately 1 hour. If you book your express topup appointment when booking the first treatment, you will receive $50 off the express treatment.



How long before you start to see results from the Urban Teeth Whitening Treatment?

You will see immediate results! Your teeth will be whiter and brighter then when you first walked in! Everyone’s teeth respond differently, and the result will depend on the extent of discoloration prior to treatment, but generally from 5-10 shades lighter can be achieved.  All our products are Australian compliant and produced to the highest of standards.

